Friday, September 14, 2007

A New Way Of Thinking

If you have a non-profit organization, people always tell you that the best way to get your message heard is by typing up a press release and sending it out to the "local media". Have you ever noticed that this never seems to work?

In the old days media outlets were always looking for ways to fill up their space. Newspapers needed fill stories and radio stations were always looking for ways to fulfill their public service commitments, but those days are long gone.

Today, newspapers are looking for ways to cut pages in order to save costs, and radio stations no longer have their feet held to the fire by the government to "serve their community"....and don't even get us started about trying to get coverage from your local televeison station! So, what can a non-profit organization do to get publicity?

We've found that the solution to this problem is to build a relationship with ONE local media outlet. It doesn't matter whether it's a newspaper, radio station, or television station, but the key is to identify one promotional partner, and get them involved with EVERYTHING you do.

We've worked with numerous non-profit groups that have huge success with this strategy. Maybe it's time for you to stop doing things the way that they've always been done. We're here to help.

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